
There are several grants which you may be entitled to if you need to make adaptations to your home.

grant advance

Disabled Facilities Grant

You may be able to get a grant from your council if you’re disabled and need to make changes to your home, for example to:

  • widen doors and install ramps
  • improve access to rooms and facilities - eg stairlifts or a downstairs bathroom
  • provide a heating system suitable for your needs
  • adapt heating or lighting controls to make them easier to use

A Disabled Facilities Grant won’t affect any benefits you get.

How much you get depends on your:

  • household income
  • household savings
Country Grant
England Up to £30,000
Wales Up to £36,000
Northern Ireland Up to £25,000
Scotland Disabled Facilities Grants are not available - find out about support for equipment and adaptations

Depending on your income, you may need to pay towards the cost of the work to the property. The DFG will only meet the costs of work that an OT has said is required, however you can top up the grant if you want additional adaptations or features.

Apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant and find out more


Grünenthal Foundation

Funding is available from the Grünenthal Foundation towards your home adaptions.

Visit the Grünenthal Foundation website for more information and to submit an application.


Home improvement Agency service (Care & Repair)

These are local not for profit organisations (there is usually one in every council area) dedicated to helping people with disabilities and vulnerable people to live in safety and with dignity in their own homes.

They offer help and advice with planning and designing adaptations and can help you identify a contractor and oversee the work (they typically charge a fee of 8-10% of the cost of the work for doing this).

Care & Repair can also help and guide you through the DFG process and advise you on eligibility. Many provide a range of other help and services, including obtaining other grants and funding.

Find your nearest Home Improvement agency.


Occupational Therapist Assessment

It is always wise to get a qualified OT to carry out an assessment of your home and your needs when planning adaptations. They will give useful insights into safety and positioning and may be able to help you with valuable information.

Find an Occupational Therapist near you


Further information